You have the need, we have the solution

Logistics outsourcing service

Sigma Trukit has started cooperating with SOL Logistics Services, one of the leading players in the industry. With the partnership, we can offer our customers the management of material flows as an outsourced service throughout Finland.

We have been asked regularly in recent years whether we rent staff in addition to forklifts. Now we can meet that request!

In logistics outsourcing, we take overall responsibility for the planning, implementation and continuous optimization of your company’s warehouse or terminal logistics. Our goal is to solve the smooth handling of your material flows in the most cost-effective way possible.

Cost efficiency through continuous optimization

The outsourced logistics service includes both personnel and equipment, the utilization rate of which is sized exactly to meet the need on the basis of initial mapping and continuous driving monitoring.

You get practically everything you need from fuel and insurance to spare machines and drivers.

Pricing is performance-based, meaning you pay for the amount of work done, not for idle machines or factors.

Light weight competitiveness

By outsourcing your company’s indoor and outdoor logistics to us, you have the peace of mind to focus on your own core competencies when development investments don’t have to be used to optimize inventory and terminals.

Releasing capital from fixed equipment and personnel costs will improve your company’s competitiveness, and the use of leased machinery and labor will make it easier, for example, to anticipate logistics costs and reduce the workload of personnel administration.

Benefits of outsourcing:

  • Rental trucks and staff do not tie up your capital and you also avoid errorneous investments
  • You can focus on your core business as we take responsibility for the functionality of the agreed logistics package.
  • You will be supported by the joint expertise of a strong nationwide logistics company
  • Continuous optimization ensures smooth operation and brings savings
  • Predicting logistics costs becomes easier
  • The workload caused by seasonal fluctuations is reduced
  • As a user of our outsourcing service, you only pay for the amount of work done, either by item count or weight. Not for waiting or downtime.
  • The transparency of the logistics process is improved through the continuous monitoring and analysis of driving data.

SOL Logistics Services is responsible for the complete service package. Sigma Trukit acts as the equipment providing partner.

This is how the service works:

  • We analyze your company’s goods flows as well as human resources and equipment utilization rates.
  • We design an optimal entity that keeps the flow of goods moving.
  • We buy your current fleet of machines, deliver new machines and, if necessary, also staff
  • We train drivers to use the equipment
  • We take care of the functionality of the agreed logistics process as well as the adequacy of the machines and personnel
  • With the Sigma Fleet system, we collect accurate driving data from each machine, which enables continuous optimization and development.
Hymyilevä varastotyöasuinen nainen istuu trukin ohjaamossa käsi ohjauspyörällä. Hän hymyilee ohjaamosta miehelle, jolla on rinnassa SOL-logo.

There is strength in cooperation between two strong companies!

Together with SOL Logistics Services, we offer your company a safe and effortless solution for the day-to-day management of material flows throughout Finland. As your logistics outsourcing partner, we take full responsibility for ensuring that your company has just the right amount of transporting and lifting capability – whenever you need it.